+ Microsoft/- MSP

2009 Imaginecup과 MDG

Eluard 2008. 7. 13. 04:09

Imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems facing us today.

기술이 우리 시대 난제를 해결하는 세상을 상상하라.

The 2009 Theme: Solve the World's Toughest Problems

In 2009, the Imagine Cup challenges the world's most talented students to "Imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems facing us today." Some might use technology to help a brother or sister get an education. Or find entirely new approaches for medicine.  Or discover ways to counter the inequalities that exist between genders around the world.  These students might ensure the sustainability of our planet or help deliver universal primary education.  Yeah, it's that important.

The United Nations has identified some of the hardest challenges in the world today in its Millennium Goals. This year the Imagine Cup uses these ambitious challenges as a guiding light to inspire change all over the world. Learn more about the eight Millennium Goals.

Competition Categories

Software Design
Software Design 

Students are asked to create real world software and services applicationsthat use Microsoft tools and technology.  It's not just about the PC - students must think of ways to take advantage of mobile devices as well.  Students need to think big.  The judging requires students to use their creativity and drive if they want to compete on the world stage.  This is where legends are born and lives are changed - where an application starts off as an idea and ends up being used all over the world.  

Visit the Software Design competition page to learn more.

Software Design
Embedded Development

As devices become smaller and more portable they are having a greater impact on our everyday lives. Desktop computing has made way for the handheld revolution, and it's happening fast.  This competition challenges students to build a complete hardware and software solution using Windows CE and a library of different hardware devices.  They have to assemble a working prototype that tackles a tough social challenge.  It's the ultimate challenge to take solutions to the streets.

Game Development
Game Development

Video games are a fun part of everyday life but also represent a powerful way to create change.  This competition isa supreme test of students' creative and technical skills as they make games that are not only entertaining but take on social change. Using XNA Game Studio, students from around the world will have an opportunity to gain international exposure for their games and might even win the chance to become an apprentice at Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business.

Software Design
Robotics & Algorithms

Robots need more than gears and wires - they require highly sophisticated algorithms to interpret and interact with the world around them. This competition is a mathematical obstacle course where students must navigate a series of brain teasers, code challenges and algorithmic puzzles to demonstrate their ability to understand the potential of robots in our world.  This exciting event takes place in a virtual world as students progress through increasingly difficult rounds.

Software Design

IT Challenge

Students are challenged to develop, deploy, and maintain IT systems that are elegant, functional, robust and secure.  This demanding competition requires students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the science of networks, databases, and servers. They also need to show their analytical abilities and make tough decisions in IT environments.

Software Design

New ideas come from looking at the world in different ways.This competition challenges students to mash together elements - music, data, visuals, servicesand anything else they can think of - and rearrange them into something that dramatically changes how people look at a tough issue.  By making unexpected connections, students can make the world stand up and take notice. 

Software Design
Photo Story

Great photographers know a single image can change the world.  In this competition, students communicate a story that explores a critical issue through a photo essay of inspiring still images.The photos must grab the audience and illustrate the students' personal insight into these global issues.

Software Design
Short Film

Filmmaking is both a technical craft and storytelling art.In this competition, students must use all their skills to create a moving, meaningful short film.  From concept and storyboard to shooting digital footage and editing, students must find their unique voice and capture the audience's imagination.

사용자 삽입 이미지

 2009 Microsoft Imaginecup의 주제는
 “기술이 우리 시대 난제를 해결하는 세상을 상상하라” 이군요..

2008년의 프랑스 파리에 이어, 이집트의 카이로와 알렉산드리아에서 개최 된다고 합니다.

난제 ( 難題 ) 라는게 정확히 무엇일까 한참을 생각했었는데,
뉴스를 좀 검색 해 보니 답이 있네요.

" 2009 Microsoft Imaginecup은
새천년 개발 목표(MDG: Millennium Development Goals) 중
하나를 정해, 이를 위한 소프트웨어 솔루션을 개발하게 된다.
새천년 개발 목표는 빈곤 해결, 에이즈 확산 방지, 초등 교육 보급 등
총 여덟 가지로 구성되어 있다. "

그렇다면 새천년 개발목표(MDG)에는 뭐가 있을까요..?

아래 그림을 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

작년의 '환경' 이라는 주제에 비해 조금은 구체적인 듯 싶습니다.
보다 쉬워졌다고 볼수도 있겠네요..^^

보다 쉽다는 말은 참여의 기회가 늘어났다고도 볼 수 있지만..
역으로 생각해 보면 그만큼 경쟁률은 증가한다는 말이겠죠..?

2009 이매진컵을 준비하시는 분들 빨리 시작하셔야 할 듯 싶습니다^^

MSP Supporter로 참여하게 될 지,

아니면 또 다시 도전해 볼 지는 잘 모르겠습니다만..

암튼 2009년에도 저와 이매진컵은 인연이 닿았군요^^